Done! Pubic Education!!!

When this nation-state was founded, every child saw how animals procreated from the time animals were seen — unless blind. There was sex education, whether or not parents explained it cogently and realistically. Of course, ‘that’s how you got here’ must have been the answer. Perhaps, some adults explained that a chicken, duck, bird, horse, cow or sheep wasn’t involved (or shouldn’t have been involve) in the child’s coming into existence. But, who really knows the answer to that question.

Good luck, U.S.A. I’m done with trying to comprehend the ignorance, stupidity hatred that is running rampet against science, knowledge and intelligence.

The tragedy of this place is deserved and consummated, beyond a reasonable doubt. That Harvard and Yale has produced legal leaders who simply don’t get it. The Scribes, as Pharasee and Saducees continue propagation and propaganda — swallowing the camel and chocking on the gnat, as they excrete bullshit and name it ground beef.