Charts, Lyrics and Music I Make

Seek the Way

Here is an expression  of the Muse dedicated to the men who honorably live bearing the Channel surname: Imperfect human beings learned and lived lives of of truth, intelligence and honor. First, my own father, Charlie Estus Ezell Channel, Jr. Next, his cousin, Ollie V. Channel, Sr. and Uncle Sunny Boy (“Al”). This song is specially dedicated to Ollie V. Channel, Jr., whose transition to join our ancestors is the spirit that moved the manifestation of Seek the Way … 

Cancion para un nino muerto

Background:  I live by the San Francisco Bay. One morning (a few years ago) a young Latina child was in a cross-walk, her mother steps behind her pushing a stroller with her baby, walking to elementary  school.  That morning an elementary school teacher was driving to a different elementary school, located several blocks away.

The teacher behind the wheel of her car struck the child in the cross walk at Gloria Way and Bay Road  in East Palo Alto, CA. killing the girl.

Perhaps, it was the Sun that blinded the teacher’s view, or perhaps the teacher’s attention on the mother pushing the stroller behind her little daughter who walked in front of her. Or, perhaps the teacher was a person attending to the stress of getting to work, or lacking sleep, neglecting the life invisible to her attention and awareness. I saw the body in the bag.  The mother.  The EMT’s.

I walked home experiencing a vivid emotional flashback from my own child’s death. Years before I found my child, Robin, was floating face down in my father-in-laws back yard hot tub and who died in my arms in an accidental drowning.

I sat down at the piano and music simply erupted in an emotional catharsis. I had turned on a recorder and what you hear is spontaneous composition and performance one take (no “re-do”). For those unfamiliar with Jazz, it’s called “pure improvisation.” It is simultaneous composition and performance in the moment of life.

Months later I recorded sounds from the neighborhood, and layered some synth and double bass.  Here is what the Muse spoke through me on the piano, that morning:


Blues for Kim

Background:  I was learning to play scales.  I became obsessed (I OCD’d) with the dominant 7 tone for about 3 months. I never called her … but I did explain …  She is a beautiful soul … for sure!!!